Monday, 21 February 2011


This is one of the first things I found on Diderot, apparently he wasnt really an official learned philosopher person, he was a really accomplished writer and was one of the editors Dictionnaire de medecine (6 vols., Paris, 1746) he had lots of encyclopaedia-y knowledge and experience. I thought this was interesting and he probs links in with the enlightenment theory aswell as he is just taking it upon himself to be massively educated and sciencey....
"Denis Diderot was the most prominent of the French Encyclopedists. He was educated by the Jesuits, and, refusing to enter one of the learned professions, was turned adrift by his father and came to Paris, where he lived from hand to mouth for a time..." -
theres a tonne of other info on him on this websiiiiite....

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