Wednesday 9 February 2011

meet up?

So guys are you free tommorow? Would u like to meet up at some point? It's  weird I haven't even talked to 2 of you guys! ^^


  1. Me and Jo have both got a completely full day tomorrow I'm afraid :/
    Is friday afternoon ok for anyone? at like 2 or something? I think I'm busy later on that afternoon, but am definitely free around lunchtime-ish. Not that I'm at all awkward :P

  2. Man Friday is our busiest day! From 10 till 1 and then from 2 till 5. We should have arranged something today. But we can still meet on friday during lunchtime to arrange a proper meeting maybe? oh and finally see you in person LOL

  3. tbh we might well be free at lunch time tomorrow from like...1 till 2...but they have a tendency to randomly let us off early then bring us back in a bit early I couldn't guarantee it lol.
    But yeah we could at least talk some stuff over one lunch time...which would be better for you guys?

  4. Be careful about posting phone numbers on blogs please Andriana!

    What is your subject?

  5. whoops...i thought it would be easier to contact that way.
    Anyway our subject is the First Encyclopedia, as I was told from our leader.
