following on from our chat in the canteen today, I have just seen a reminder on the 'Time Machine 9 rules' we must follow. It ties in nicely with the structure of our presentation which we were discussing, here it is....
1) A clear introduction to your presentation, which should also mention the different published sources you have used and your reasons for choice. You should use no less than 5 published sources to inform your presentation.
2) A clear definition of key ideas relating to your given topic, with supporting evidence in the form of, no less than, 3 quotations from 3 different published sources. Quotations must be interpreted and their importance discussed, they should also be referenced correctly using the Harvard method.
3) The cultural context (political and social) in which the topic came out of/was in reaction to.
4) An illustrated ‘who’s who’ of key individuals associated with given topic, with a clear explanation of what you think their significance is and why.
5) Historical examples of key words/images/artefacts associated with given topic and an assessment of their importance.
6) Contemporary examples of key words/images/artefacts associated with given topic and a comparison to the historical examples.
7) A ‘bullet point’ conclusion.
8) A bibliography and illustration list correctly set out using the Harvard method.
9) A PDF version of presentation for uploading to myUCA.
With this in mind I have adapted what we talked about earlier:
1) 2.5 minutes comprising of:
- Clear introduction, Encyclopedie (ou Dictionnaire des Science, des arts...) etc etc.
- Our 5 published sources ( Habermas and Modernity, Encyclopedia plates extract Diderot, Adriana's book. We need two more MINIMUM for killer quotes / images etc)
- Dictionary definition of Encyclopedia etc.
- History and evolution of Encyclopedia
- Early Chinese versions
- Guttenberg and first printed book - the bible
- Diderot' and d'Alembert's Encyclopedie 1751
- Modern day encyclopedia's
- Wikipedia and Brittanica
- Example images e.g written descriptions, introduction of illustrations through to videos on internet -
- Diderot, who was he? general background etc.
- Key events in 1700
- The enlightenment movement and it's links to the encyclopedie
- Pro's and con's, encyclopedia's vs Wikipedia internet etc
- What will be the next step for Encyclopedia's? Future ramifications?
- Bullet point conclusion
- Bibliography and Illustration list.
As discussed, let's meet in the Library at 2:15 tomorrow and start getting basic scripts down along with quotes and images. Then we can compile our power point presentation / pdf next week and do some rehearsals!
See you tomorrow!
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